David Peña

David Peña – Candidate for District 5

How do you plan to ensure fair treatment and equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity? 

As a city council candidate, I am committed to ensuring that every resident, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, is treated with dignity and respect. I believe that equal opportunities should be the foundation of our community, and that discrimination of any kind has no place in Corpus Christi. I will work to ensure our policies reflect this by supporting anti-discrimination measures and fostering a welcoming environment where everyone feels safe and valued. Building bridges between diverse groups is important to me, and I will continue to advocate for fairness and equal treatment for all. 

What is your position on the local government’s role in protecting LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination? 

I believe the local government has a critical role in ensuring that all residents, including LGBTQ+ individuals are protected from discrimination. Our city should be a place where everyone, regardless of who they are or who they love, feels safe and accepted. I support the policies that promote equal treatment in housing, employment, public services, and education. Local government must take a stand in discrimination by enforcing anti-discrimination laws and creating an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. By doing so, we can foster a stronger, more united community. 

How would you promote initiatives or policies that support diversity and inclusivity across Corpus Christi? 

As a member of city council, I would actively promote policies that support our diverse community. This would involve several initiatives. 

For example, I would collaborate with local advocacy groups, businesses and community leaders to develop programs that promote inclusivity, such as diversity training, cultural events and educational initiatives. 

In addition, we would like to know your thoughts on the current situation with the Corpus Christi Public Library advisory board, which has proposed removing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles from the library’s collection development policy. Many residents are concerned about the potential impact this could have on ensuring our public libraries represent the diverse needs of our community. 

I believe public libraries should reflect the diversity of the community they serve, offering a wide range of material that represent different voices, cultures, and experiences. The proposal to remove diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) principles from the library’s collection development policy is concerning because it risks narrowing the scope of what is available to our residents. Libraries play a vital role in fostering understanding, education and open dialogue.