Eli McKay

Eli McKay – City Council District 1

How do you plan to ensure fair treatment and equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity?

I will work with the city manager and HR to ensure that training and education programs for city staff support policies that protect people from discrimination at work and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion education.

What is your position on the local government’s role in protecting LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination?

Leaders need to respond to non-inclusive language, derogatory jokes, and misinformation voiced, etc. I will always speak up and express if any comments are inappropriate, as we have seen at city council meetings during public comment within the last year.

How would you promote initiatives or policies that support diversity and inclusivity across Corpus Christi?

I will advocate for anyone in a leadership position with the City of Corpus Christi to undergo safe space training to ensure they are educated on making their employees and team members feel more respected.

What are your thoughts on the current situation with the Corpus Christi Public Library advisory board, which has proposed removing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles from the library’s collection development policy?

Due to concerns about the direction the Advisory Library Board might take, I attended all but one meeting this year to observe and make public comments when necessary. I am very concerned about the allegations of inappropriate materials in the public library’s children’s and young adults’ section. They are manufactured and promoted by a group of people who think they can decide what everyone should read and who aim to redefine our community values based only on their beliefs and lifestyle. This is not how democracy and freedom work! Public libraries are for everyone and should be inviting, inclusive places for community members of all backgrounds to enjoy. They also require adequate funding and staffing, which I will advocate for since our public libraries are chronically underfunded. Texas cities similar to our size dedicate much more funding to their public libraries.