Joshua Fraedrick

Joshua Fraedrick – Candidate for Mayor

How do you plan to ensure fair treatment and equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity?

I believe it is crucial to promote equal treatment and opportunities for all citizens, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect as equal members of our community. To foster inclusivity, I will encourage more LGBTQIA+ individuals to participate in government and civic engagement, as representation matters. By creating an environment where diverse voices are heard and valued, we can ensure that all perspectives are considered in decision-making. Together, we can build a more equitable and vibrant Corpus Christi for everyone.

What is your position on the local government’s role in protecting LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination?

I strongly believe that local government has a vital role in protecting LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination. This includes implementing and enforcing policies that promote equality and prohibit discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations. It’s essential to create a safe and inclusive environment for all citizens. Additionally, the government should examine personal biases and provide training for staff to ensure equitable treatment of all individuals. Supporting LGBTQ+ community organizations and initiatives that foster acceptance and understanding is also crucial. By actively championing the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals, we can build a more just and equitable Corpus Christi for everyone.

How would you promote initiatives or policies that support diversity and inclusivity across Corpus Christi?

To promote initiatives and policies that support diversity and inclusivity across Corpus Christi, I would focus on several key areas. First, I would advocate for the development of comprehensive diversity training programs for city employees and officials to ensure equitable treatment for all citizens. Second, I would support community engagement initiatives that actively involve diverse voices in decision-making processes, encouraging representation from various cultural and social backgrounds. Additionally, I would work to establish partnerships with local organizations that promote inclusivity, providing resources and support for events and programs that celebrate our community’s diversity. Together, we can create a Corpus Christi where everyone feels valued and included in staff training.

I believe that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles are incredibly important for our public libraries. These principles help ensure that our library collections represent the diverse needs of our community and foster understanding among all residents. Removing DEI from the collection development policy could hinder our efforts to promote acceptance and inclusivity. The Library Board is currently under attack, and we must protect its integrity and mission. Supporting DEI initiatives within our libraries not only enriches our community’s resources but also reinforces our commitment to serving everyone fairly and equitably.